Thursday 8 May 2014

A new start. (I know, I hate cliches too.)

May 8th, 2013

I initially intended for this blog to be more like my diary. I never anticipated anyone would even bother reading it. (I mean, let's face it: my life is pretty unextraordinary. All I talk about these days is UNI in case you haven't realized by now.)

To be honest though I don't think I'm brave enough to let loose my deepest feelings onto the web space. Because it's going to be out there, exposed to the world, and just the mere thought of that makes me cringe!

Anyways, I don't want this blog to fail. Especially since I have noticed that it does get some viewership. Statistics tell me that my most viewed ones are usually the ones not about my life (shocker, I know!) but about useful information I occasionally share. For instance, I think wrote about Nottingham Malaysia and Monash Malaysia as well as a a guide to nose piercing. 

Also, I do have a passion for writing and I am inspired by this blog I came across a few weeks ago: mynameiselizabeth. (Google it if you're interested..I don't remember the web address). So, I have decided, this will be my last post about my boring life and from now on I shall post interesting articles. Or perhaps there still might be the odd article I write just for my own reflection. 

Let's see where this blog takes me! I do remain hopeful that ten years from now, I can look back and connect the dots. 

Will be back soon,

Saturday 11 January 2014

Where have I been ?

January 11, 2013

So, I haven't blogged in a while. The last post being in November. That's basically because I was revising for my mocks. Even though I could have spared a few minutes to blog, I have this tendency to feel guilty when I'm doing anything but revising. In other words, lazing about during my "study breaks" is more acceptable to me than blogging. Wierd, I know. 

Here is the summary of the last two months:

My piano results finally came out. And yes, as I had predicted, I failed. Now I'm going to drop Piano for a while. Perhaps even for good. I mean I have A-Levels to focus on and then I'll be going off to Uni, so it makes sense to just quit altogether. I have achieved a Grade 6, and seeing as I'm not going to make a career out of music, I'm happy with that.

Next, since we went to the UK in October  and I have my mocks during the first week of January, so I have been revising like Cray Cray. Oh, and did I mention so also recieved my first offer from U of Exeter ? So happy! The offer was for 3As so that gave me motivation I needed.

What else ? Other than, I went back to school and did all my exams. Uhm, and Monday is off because of the "Bangkok Shutdown".

Also, I'm anticipating that I'll be removing my braces soon. So that's good. 

That's it for now.

Will be back soon,

Friday 13 December 2013

I just applied to uni!

December 12th, 2013

The tittle is pretty self explanatory. I applied to the following universities for Poltics/ International Relations like 3 days ago, and now I'm just waiting for the responses. 
1. LSE
2. Warwick 
3. Bath
4. York 
5. Exeter 

Now I just got to wait. And do brilliantly on my mocks and final exams.

Will be back soon,

Monday 25 November 2013

Trinity Grade 7!

26th November, 2013

I just took my Trinity Grade 7 today! And boy, I am so going to fail. Like I messed up my pieces so bad! I am sure I could have done better because exam pressure always gets the best of me..

I know I always freak out after any exam I take but always end up with a decent mark. This time though, I am sure I did horribly. The best case scenario is that I will get a low pass. But then again, let's be optimistic and say that I have a fair chance at passing because for the other grades I've always got Merits.

Urgh. As you can see...this waiting period of not knowing annoys the hell out of me.  I will know my results in like a week or so.

 But you know wat, assuming I do fail, it is not the end of the world. I haven't been dedicating much time to piano anyways because I have my A Levels to study for as well. It's not like I'm taking music seriously anyways.

I think I should just stop talking/ typing / thinking about piano. I'll just sit outside here at the gazebo (long story...I don't have the house keys and have to wait for my dad to get home). 

Will be back soon, 

Saturday 9 November 2013

The UK, school, exam, uni stuff....BLAH

8th November, 2013 

Yes, I know last time I said I will post an update on Cardiff and ironic enough, this time I am saying I will post an update on my recent trip to the UK ! (I know right ?! I can't believe it actually happened) 

Anyways, there has been ALOT going on right now in terms of school and university. Again, ironic enough this has been the focus of my last post as well. 

But here is the update: 

Nottingham Malaysia is my backup- which is totally fine because it is a more than alright place. The applications haven't opened yet but I will apply as soon as they open.

As for the UK, I am applying to,
1. LSE
2. York (Top choice)
3. Durham
4. Warwick
5. Not sure yet (possibly Exeter)

I need to work my butt off to get all As now because I really want to get the 30% tuition fees reduction at York. 

My mocks are coming up. I have to do like amazing in that. As for personal statement, it's pretty much done and dusted but on Friday Novemeber 15th, I am going to a workshop organized by BritEdu to get it reviewed. Don't know how useful that is going to be but hey there is no harm right ?

I am now currently at the dentist. My appointment has been pending for a while now. But, never the less, I am here. I really hope I get to take my braces out soon though because I am beginning to get really sick of them.

Oh and my piano Grade 7 exams are coming up as well on 26th Novemeber. If I manage to get a good pass, I am going to be so proud of myself because I honesty did not put in the work ! No, but on a serious note from next week onwards I am going to go to piano every day. 

Apart from that, well there is a fair at Mueng Thong Thani where my mum is exhibiting her bedsheets. It is going pretty well and I am confident it can do even better as it has potential. 

Oh well. And there is me. Still waiting for the stupid denist appointment. Anyways, do watch out for my post on my UK trip and Cardiff thingi.

Will be back soon, 

Sunday 29 September 2013

I haven't disapeared! Just checking in!

September 29, 2013

I know its been a while since I last posted, and for that, I apologize. (Not that anybody even reads my posts, but whatever). What is up with me ? Well...A lot. I don't even know where to begin. The last time I checked in, I was preparing to go to Cardiff. And now, its been like a few weeks since I am back. I wanted to blog while I was there but for some reason I ended up not doing so. But, I am determined not to let this blog die that is why I'm posting now even though I have so many things on my mind at the moment.

I will post an update of Cardiff soon enough. Don't worry. (Again, not that anybody even reads my posts). As for right now, all I can think about is my university applications. Oh wait. Did I tell you about my A level grades? I don't think I did. I got an A for History, A for Economics, and uhm..a B for Maths. But I hope to turn the B into an A though. Anyways, I am currently writing my personal statement for UCAS, and when UNMC applications open, I shall apply there as well.

When I say all I can think about is universities, I mean that. Like literally, it sucks not knowing where I am going to end up you know. I am one person that does not know how to 'take it easy' and 'go with the flow'. If something is on my mind, I become obsessed with it. I know that's a bad habit, but what can I do?

The universities I want to go to changes everyday, and I have yet to decide on the 5 choices for UCAS. In the mean time, I have to work my butt of for A2s. My motivation is the uni videos I have been watching lately! Laughs.

Will be back soon,

Monday 29 July 2013

Letter to my 34 year old self! (Dont read before that)

July 25th, 2013

Hello 34 year old Simran! I hope life is going well for you at this moment. I had great expectations for you, my friend. But, no pressure if you don't live up to your 17 year old self's maybe unrealistic expectations! Its good to have goals and ambitions, ultimately however, that is not how you measure 'happiness'. Let me explain, today I saw this quote:

"When you are in your final days of life, what will you want? Will you hug that college degree in the wallnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garrage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in reading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now?" - Max Lucado.

This quote made me realize something today so let me make sure that you don't forget this. The most important thing in life should be relationships and not material things. (Although all that is an added bonus. Winks.)

Okay, enough of all that philosiphy. Let's,  however, see what your 17 year old self  imagined her 34 year old self to be.

By now I expected you to be married and maybe even have a child. Also, you should have a job or have had a job working in the UN, embassies, or any other kind of NGOs. You should have had travelled. And I mean travelled ALOT. Like go on all sorts of expeditions you've ever wanted to do including a road trip adventure spanning more than a handfull of countries- basically having "lived your life" like there is no tommorow.

This blog of mine, I humbly pass on to you, and I do hope you have continued to write. Even though I hope for you to have a better self esteem, confidence, and become slightly more extroverted than myself: I do hope you still find solace in those moments of solitude like I do. Writing is like an outlet for me and I truly wish for it to blossom into something similar for you.

You know, 34 year old Simran, if this letter was written like a couple of years back, it would have been entirely different. It would contain a list of to do things for you to check off after you have achieved it. But my attitude has changed now. There is no check list. Instead, there is a blank space. Fill it in with your imagination, What matters most to you? Go after it. Hold on to it. And remember, cherish every moment of your life.

Lots of encouragement, support, sympathy, pity, and most of all : love, unconditional love from your bestest friend,
